Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Well for the weekend we went up to Dave's parents cabin, up by Smith and Moorehouse Lake, past Oakley. We took just my parents with us. We stopped in Midway to go to Swiss Days. All though this wasn't at all something Dave wanted to do, he was a very good sport about it. And we followed my parents around in the hot and crowd infested place. We finally got up to the cabin and made kabobs. My Mom's sister Julie and her family were up there staying at her sister in laws cabin so they came over for dinner. After dinner we went for a little four wheeler ride. My Dad took the boys fishing, he was the only one who caught something. Than we watched a movie and went to bed. On Saturday, we woke up at 6:30 to go fishing up at the lake. My cousins came with. The only one to catch anything was my Dad again. So we left after he caught one. We didn't need to get showed up any more. Well we came back for breakfast, showered and got ready to go back to Swiss Days. Uncle Phil and his boys went to the BYU game, so we took Aunt Julie to Swiss Days with us. Which was even more hot, and more crowded!! But it was still fun I thought. So we waited in line for over a half an hour for a bus back to the parking lot we parked at. Dave and I made tacos for dinner, which were delicous!!!!! YUMMY!! And than we enjoyed sitting around and talking till the guys came home. We watched the news and fell asleep. On Sunday we went to the Woodland church, which was crowded too, but it was good to be at church. I would love to move to Woodland. It's a cute little farm town. We went back to the cabin and played scrabble. I almost had the old man! But he had one last word that put him to far ahead to pass. Since it was fast Sunday we didn't eat dinner till 4:30 at Julie's cabin. We played a game my parents brought named seek. Lets just say I need to read the scriptures alot more in depth. After that we went back to our cabin and sat in the hot tub with Nate and Josh. Bed time after that. Monday the boys went fishing again. Mom and I stayed behind and cleaned the cabin and showered. We took a walk to see Julie and we sat around and talked. The boys came back so we went back to see Dave and Dad. We saw some deer, and we did see a moose on the way to the cabin. Dad caught 2 fish and kept them to eat. We had left over kabobs for lunch. Than Dave and the boys went for a four wheeler ride around the lake. He came back so dirty!! We had sandwhiches for dinner and than we got ready to leave. Stopped off at Julie's and said goodbye. It was a very fun weekend, it was fun to sit around and enjoy nature. And it was fun to hang out with my parents. They are such fun people.