Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I am finally writing about our camping trip. We went this last weekend up to Granite Flats with Camie and Nino. It was a lot of fun. I love camping. We had a great spot to camp, except it was hard to get the trailer in there, but well worth it. We had lots of trees around us to block the sun until about noon. We love going to the mountains. It is one of our favorite places to be. We took little walks around our camp, ate delicious dutch oven food, and amazing camp fire eclairs. Oh just the thought kind of makes me drool. In fact we are having them again on Monday in my parents back yard. Yummy!

Here are some pictures from out trip.

The Boy
Dave's hot dog fell in the ashes
The moutains

Camie found a Christmas tree! Nino was very excited!

Dave and I on our little hike

Camie trying to get a picture of the pot gut

Dave enjoying his camp fire eclair

Me enjoying my camp fire eclair, it got every where! Totally worth it

Cosmo trying to keep wam while he sleeps.

Camie and Nino and the Cos!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Every Wednesday night I have been playing softball for the past month, I think it has been that long. It has been a lot of fun. I never really played a sport when I was younger except for church ball. We haven't won a game yet. But that is ok it is just fun to play. I slid into first base last week twice. After the second slide I was told I didn't need to do that cause I could just run through first base since that is the only one you can do that on. Well maybe you can do that on home too. Oh well it was fun to try to beat the throw!

Bells Canyon

We went hiking up Bells Canyon last night with Camie and Nino. It was a great hike not to long and not to hard. But by the half way point Dave and I were drenched with sweat! We are so out of shape. The lake at the top is beautiful! I think it was a great FHE.

Dave and I crossing the bridge on the hike.
Camie and Nino!
Dear and the lake behind him!
The view from the top of the hike


On Friday we went to my friends Julie and Dennis' wedding. We were invited to go to the sealing which was awesome. I love the temple. Than we went to the Golden Corral for the luncheon. Than the reception at Dennis' parents house. Than on Satuday we also had our friend Steven Anderson's wedding. I forgot to take pictures so there aren't any to show. We have so many weddings this summer. I just got another one in the mail today from a friend from high school. We will have at least 3 in Septemeber. But I have decided I really like going to them. It reminds me of my wedding and my wedding was the best day of my life.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good times!

So this past week we have done some fun stuff. We went to the Pie for pizza and to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls with Camie and Nino. The guys were showing us how to hit. My last hit was my greatest hit. But Nino topped it by far!Some guy at work told me that when I swing I over swing back so I need to work on that. We also celebrated my nephew Caden's birthday. He turned 5. And he graduated from Sunshine Square preschool. Preschoolers are hilarious!! Oh they were too cute. What a stud! On Tuesday I went out with my friends Julie and Tubby to dinner. Julie is getting married this Friday the 13th. So I wanted to hang out with her before she became a married woman. Ranie was going to come as well, but she got sick. But we will just catch her next time. We went to the Red Robin at the District, walked around the shops there. After we went back to Julie's new apartment her and Dennis will be living in and talked for hours. It was alot of fun. She went through the temple Friday, it was at the Bountiful. It was beautiful.
The amazing bag Tubby and I made Julie. We found the photo in National Geographic.Ha ha the hilarious piece of clothing we found for Julie at Target!And we have some other news David adopted a dog. He is a little Chihuahua that is half the size of Cosmo. And has some annoying traits like Cosmo. But over all he is pretty quiet. But I still don't know how I feel about him. I thought I would love having a friend for Cosmo but now I feel like Cosmo is better without a friend, he's got me. They are getting along for the most part. They get in little fights but that is normal. So here he is, his name is Toby. He does have some pins in his legs cause it is broken but they will be coming out this next week.
We had a BBQ with Camie and Nino on Thursday. I love that they live so close. They just bought a new grill and some outside furniture. We grilled some salmon and corn. It was very yummy!! After we had some banana fosters and watched the Lakers verses Celtic game.
Camie trying salmon for the first time. She liked it!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

House For Sale!

Yes it is true!! Our house is for sale!! So if anyone knows of anyone that is interested in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse let us know!!