This weekend was very busy! Saturday we meet up to go to Logan with my Grandma, my parents and my Aunt Julie. We met at 7 at Virg's cafe for breakfast. Those were the biggest pancakes I have ever had. Then we went back to Grandma's to get the Mercury! That car is huge but is a comfortable ride. And my Grandparents have always had one. So we all piled in there and headed north. We made it to Logan at about 9:30. Our first stop was in Wellsville where we met up with Aunt Merilyn and Carol Ann, (Grandpa's sisters) at the graves of Great Grandpa and Grandma Stalder. Aunt Carol Ann, Grandma, and Aunt Marilyn
Arden!!! AKA Mr Wobbles
Me and my loveable Father!!
Then we went on and stopped at 3 more cementaries?? Or was it 4? Somewhere around that many. We stopped at the Aggie Ice Cream shop, got some good raspberry sherbet and tried some squeaky cheese. We also stopped at the Implement where Grandma used to work. It was a pretty cool store. After we made all our stops at the graves we went out to see Grandma's brother Darrel and his wife. Dave and I took a nap on their couch while they talked. Then we headed off to the Fat Boy factory. We got lost and stopped at the Pepperidge Farms and stocked up on Gold Fish. We finally found the Fat Boy place. Dave was the only one who bought one. We made our way back to Logan and stopped at the Bluebird for dinner. I should have gotten the bluebird chicken instead of the shrimp alfredo. But it was still good.
Mom, Aunt Julie, and Grandma
Mom, Aunt Julie, Grandma, and Me in Grandma's bright orange sweater!
Than we headed home, got to Grandma's went home got some clothes hopped back in the car and headed to the cabin. We got there around 10:30. I stayed up for about 30 minutes after we got there then went to bed while Dave stayed up and played games. Sunday we got up had a good breakfast of egg and sausage sandwhiches like a McMuffin but better. After breakfast I went to finish my hair which Mike was so kind as to style for me. I wish I had gotten my camera out before I took it out. He ratted one side of my hair, then pulled my hair forward put it an elastic and made it look like I had a beard. It was hilarious! After that I read while people played games. Than I took Zach out to go for a four wheeler ride. We got in trouble for not wearing any helmets. So we went back to put one on Zach. We had a birthday lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs for Bonnie's birthday dinner. Dave and I took a nap after. When we woke up everybody was leaving but Bonnie and Stan. Larry and his family came over for cake and ice cream and some trifle. After they left we watched the movie Atonement with Bonnie and Stan. I didn't really like it. Would have been better off watching something else. This morning we woke up kind of late, didn't eat breakfast until 11. We had french toast and bacon. Sat around and played games. Watched some TV with Bonnie then we came home. Got the house all cleaned and had blue cheese burgers for dinner. It has been a very busy weekend for us. It was great to spend some time with both families. We didn't get to the graves down here yet. But I think we will try and stop by sometime this week. It will be nice to avoid the crowds anyway.
Dave cooking french toast
You sure do have a cute grandma! I think the orange sweater may have started out mine or Steve's and we hand me'd it down to grandma. Funny huh?!
Love the pictures. Looks like you had a great weekend
Love ya-
I think I have the cutest Grandma ever too!!! There are no other Grandmas like her.
I must also agree!! Give her a big hug and kiss for me, Chase and Don!
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