Saturday, May 10, 2008

What's better than playing the old power pad and watching the Jazz game??? The Jazz winning would have been nice.

On Wednesday night Dave and I pulled out the power pad I bought for the orignal nintendo. It was SWEET!!! We moved the couches out of the way so it would fit. We played track meet, and short order. Neither of us have played those games in years. I am a little rusty, Dave played like he has been playing forever. Than Camie and Nino came over to the watch the game and played it. It brought great entertainment during half time cause the Jazz were losing horribly. Here our some pictures of Cosmo, I cut one of his nails too short and it wouldn't stop bleeding so I wrapped his foot in a paper towel and put one of my hair elastics around it hold it. He wasn't too happy with us.


Brandon and Krystyn said...

Poor Cosmo!! I'm sure he'll be fine:) Looks like the nintendo pad turned out to be real fun!! Wish I could have been there! Love ya!

Rat Fam said...

Man what are you doing to the poor dog:) They are good practice before the children come along!

Shannon and Kip Howell said...

What happened to little Costco? You Harwards are a fun bunch.
Love you!